Kin: a people, clan, tribe, or family.

A virtual women’s membership and all-in-one hub for embodied education, practices, rituals, and community.

May Theme: Self Trust

Each month runs like a mini course. You will receive the live community workshop & accompanying 30-minute experiential somatic practice, two somatic meditation audios to deepen your embodied learning on the theme, and one embodied movement class. This is in addition to the other materials available. 

Who are we if we peel back the layers of social conditioning, sexism, misogyny, cultural expectations, and trauma? And, how can we draw on the body’s wisdom in order to find out? 

Kin is a hub for embodied learning dedicated to the modern, spiritual woman. With workshops and practices rooted in the wisdom of somatic psychology, Polyvagal Theory, feminine embodiment, Intersectional Feminism, and parts work, we slowly and lovingly come back to the body as a source of wisdom, transformation, and healing. I wanted to create an all-in-one platform where women could safely explore embodied wisdom, trauma, nervous system health, rituals, and the power of a loving female community, together. Kin is an offering to restore and heal women’s relationships with their bodies and each other, all while providing opportunities for personal development, growth, and Self transformation. 

Current Courses.

  • The Felt Sense and The Soma

    Sensation is the language of the body. It is also a language we have been trained out of speaking. When we drop into the body, information will come to you in a variety of ways: words, pictures, insights, movements, emotions, and memories. All of these pathways will be accompanied by sensation. Building bodily awareness and developing a relationship with our body requires we become comfortable with our felt sense. In this workshop you will learn the primary language of the body and how to start interpreting her signals.

  • Trauma and the Autonomic Nervous System

    Having a real world understanding of your nervous system; how it works, what triggers it, what makes it feel safe, how the different branches feel inside your body is the single greatest gift someone could give you. In this workshop you’ll learn all about the Autonomic Nervous System through the lens of Polyvagal theory, how trauma can dysregulate the ANS and disconnect you from your body wisdom, why rewiring safety is paramount to engaging fully in life, and how to begin the process of repair. You’ll walk away with the tools you require to be present, connected, and in tune with your ANS.

  • Parts Work and Embodied Self Energy

    Most of us have been raised to believe in the mono-mind theory; that we are made up of one mind, with one way of thinking, feeling and behaving. When we embrace our parts, we are embracing the multiplicity of who we are as a human being. A person who holds conflicting wounds, stories, and outlooks that are often frozen at particular ages in time. This workshop is rooted in the theory of Internal Family Systems therapy developed by Richard Schwartz. You’ll come away understanding how to connect with the different parts of you, who they are, what they can teach you, and how to honour your full spectrum Embodied Self.

  • Embodied Feminine Flow Movement Training

    Embodied Feminine Flow is a powerful somatic movement modality which connects you to your body, releases stored tension and stress, facilitates the unwinding of frozen states, assists in identifying and processing emotions, and increases feelings of sensual pleasure and aliveness. In this workshop you will learn the what, why, and how of embodied feminine movement. This practice is designed to help you develop resilience by regulating your nervous system so you can cope with the stressors and challenges of life through a deeply pleasureable practice.

  • Somatic Sensuality

    COMING JUNE we’ll peel back the layers of pleasure so you can melt into the inherent joy and aliveness within you.

What’s Included each month?

  • Each month we come together for 60-90 minutes to discuss our monthly theme and then dive deeply into the individual body to see what data your body holds through a variety of somatic processes.

    These calls are designed to be informative, illuminating, and most importantly, help to rewire you towards embodying more of your Embodied Self energy.

    Then, we come together as a group to provide an opportunity to be seen and heard. Creating the moments of vulnerability and connection women yearn for. All calls are recorded and added to the growing library of calls (you have access to all previous calls when you sign up!).

    These calls are intentionally evocative, designed to get you to feel into the heart of your unconscious and illuminate steps for moving forward.

  • Access a growing library of audio practices designed as a daily devotional practice.

    Each audio actively targets the 3 levels of embodiment; sensitise, integrate, and expand. Current practices assist with emotion regulation, trauma work, mapping the autonomic nervous system, meeting your parts, connecting with your embodied Self energy, feminine embodiment movement practices, and more.

    New practices are added monthly to support each theme, and all practices from the live calls are taken and turned into audios so you can revisit them whenever you need.

  • If you’re a self-proclaimed researcher and love learning every drop of information you can (like me!) don’t stress, I have a complete resource library dedicated to providing deeper learning.

    Complete with a practitioner directory for those that may be interested in doing more intensive trauma work or working with particular modalities.

    I also have 10+ Spotify playlists for you to access for self movement as well as recommended products for women + femmes. 

  • These foundational workshops are everything you need to know about living a truly embodied life. 

    Pillar Workshop 1. The Felt Sense and The Soma

    Pillar Workshop 2. Trauma and the Autonomic Nervous System

    Pillar Workshop 3. Parts Work and the Embodied Self

    Pillar Workshop 4. Feminine Flow Embodied Movement Practice Training

    Each workshop within the course contains a 60-90 minute lecture, somatic practices for embodied learning, and worksheets so that you can learn to understand your unique body and nervous system.

  • Each season we have new experts come to speak on a variety of topics such as human design, astrology, sex and pleasure, and more.

    The key difference in these lectures is we speak to how we can embody the material; using the body to really digest what’s being shared, with accompanying practices and worksheets to cement learning.

    These are fun, exciting opportunities to learn from new practitioners and modalities and lean into more esoteric practices.

  • We have a dedicated community space. This is where I will pop in weekly with guidance and shares as we navigate embodied learning together.

    I also provide inquiry prompts relating to the monthly theme to provide further introspection and community connection. You are welcome to stay silent and absorb the wisdom, or engage as much as feels exciting for you.

    Each month I’ll open up the floor for you to ask questions and receive coaching and guidance.

    The key aspect of Kin is to allow women to truly embody the importance of community and connection.

  • The Cocoon is a space devoted to embodied movement classes. Each month I’ll lead a class designed to inspire the unfolding evolution within you. Movement is our most primal language and is a highly effective way of regulating our nervous system.

    These classes are deeply nourishing, supportive, and deliciously sensual. This is the space where your intuitive voice comes alive. We’ll facilitate the shift in your decision making process from brain to body. Yum.

  • The Rituals workshops are here to show us the joy of connecting to our bodies through acts of kindness.

    The Rituals within cultivate embodied self care; through mindfully tending to the physical vessel that holds us through so much.

    Drawing on a range of tools I’ll guide you to connect with your body in a state of embodied presence.

  • Are you a creative, entrepreneur, or artist? The world needs your medicine.

    If you’d like to, you can share your art with the Kin community in our Community Board page.

  • Those inside Kin will be able to access session packages to work with me in a 1:1 capacity.

    I don’t work 1:1 with the general public at this point in time, so if you’ve been wanting to experience the beauty and depth of a somatic session ~ now you can!


  • 1 // Sensitise

    Reconnect to your body and find safety in feeling again.

    The foundational aspects of understanding embodiment and working with the soma (body). We start by understanding the primary language of the body, sensitising to your internal landscape, building emotion tolerance, meeting traumatised parts with compassion, developing regulation skills, learning how to move the body, and finding an internal sense of safety.

  • 2 // Integrate

    Illuminate the body’s unconscious narratives and find more authentic truths to live from.

    Once we have developed a reasonable level of sensitivity, we can move towards cultivating a relationship with our parts, liberating old wounds and patterns of tension, processing your body’s data around specific themes, and developing a positive relationship with the body.

  • 3 // Expand

    Anchor into your intuitive wisdom and delight in your sensual nature.

    Over time, we can access new levels of sensuality, sexuality, love, connection with ourselves, other people, the earth, and animals. Intuition deepens. Intuitive abilities evolve. The body becomes a resource rather than a source of discomfort or stress. The possibility for a new world emerges. Living in alignment with the feminine qualities within. Aliveness, joy, and magnetism.

Many of us have read “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk, which states overwhelming experiences are stored in our body, often unconsciously, and the body bears the burden of our trauma’s until we complete the thwarted instincts. What is spoken of less, is that our bodies are also portals to immense joy, instinctual wisdom, healing, sensuality, and connection. There is a deeply joyful aspect of working with the body; a liberation that is hard to define through spoken language.

Kin is a place to be seen and held, yes, but also a place where we can work with the body’s data to cultivate rich insights, tender realisations, and profound wisdom.

While modern well-being techniques focus on the traditional mindset and talk therapy model, they lack the tools to create true change in the body. Somatic work accompanied by nervous system education is profoundly transformative. Over time, embodiment practices build a reservoir of internal awareness that facilitates emotional regulation, strengthens connection, enhances interpersonal relationships and communication, and informs innate trauma resolution intelligence. They’re also deeply feminine, inherently nourishing, and will change your life in all the best ways. 



Not sure if Kin is for you? You can trial it out today and grab a monthly membership. If you don’t like it for any reason, you can cancel your subscription in the members portal before it renews. I understand flexibility can feel safer for some and it’s important my offerings centre accessibility as much as possible. Prices shown in Australian Dollars. 


Three Months

If you’re feeling the pull towards living a more connected, embodied, sensual life, then I suggest devoting the next three months to diving in. The three monthly option works out to be just $90 per month. Embodiment work is not a “quick fix” and requires dedication and devotion to learning the modality over time. Prices shown in Australian Dollars. 

Start Today

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Kin Embodiment Membership
Every month
Every 3 months

Kin is a hub of embodied education, practices, rituals, and workshops designed for the modern woman.

✓ Educational Workshops added Seasonally
✓ Monthly Live Somatic Group Coaching & Guest Lectures
✓ A Library of Somatic & Embodiment Audios
✓ Community Connection App
✓ Resource Directory

Love for the Work